In accordance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), we inform you that this web page and the domain, in forward “web”, belongs to:
- NIF: B17841495
- Address: AV DE LAS ALEGRIES, 12, 17310, LLORET DE MAR
- Phone: 972 365 412
- Email:
The purpose of our company’s official website is to manage the relationship with our customers and suppliers, also including the commercial management of the company, that is, the possibility of sending commercial communications or notices to carry out promotional activities.
The use and use of this website by the users who access it, whether they are customers, suppliers, or potential customers, implies that all the conditions set forth in this document are fully and expressly accepted. If there is any specific particularity, it will be explained in its corresponding section.
The entire content of this web page; Both the logos, texts, photographs, designs, product references or other elements, as well as the structure of the web page, the design, the colour combinations, or the form of presentation of the contents, are affected by intellectual property rights and industrial owned by CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU or third parties with whom CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU has agreed to use it.
These rights must be respected by the users of the website. CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU disseminates all this information through its website to advertise its products and activities. CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU warns that all these elements and references can only be used for this purpose and always citing their origin and identification references. Its transformation or alteration is not lawful, nor is it public communication or any other form of exploitation by any technique or procedure without the express authorization of CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU.
The user of this website accesses on their own initiative and assumes responsibility for using this website. This responsibility extends to the registration necessary to access certain services or content. In this registration, the user will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. As a consequence of this registration, the user can be provided with a password for which they will be responsible, committing to its diligent and confidential use.
CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU is not responsible for errors or omissions that may affect its contents. The references that appear on the web have an exclusively informative function and do not bind the owner of the web page until the confirmation of the acceptance of a contract. CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU cannot be held responsible for any damage derived from the use of this web page, nor for any action carried out based on the information provided.
CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU declines any responsibility regarding information of any kind contained in other web pages that can be accessed through links from this web page. The function of the links entered on the web page is to inform about the existence of other sources of information on the topic dealt with on the source page and does not imply any suggestion or invitation to the user to visit the destination web pages. CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU is not responsible for the results obtained through these links that are not controlled or verified by CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU.
CROM EVENT MANAGEMENT SLU reserves the right to make the modifications it deems appropriate on this website without prior notice, being able to change, delete or add both the contents and services provided through it and the way in which they are presented or located and implies that maintenance updates may also be made to the information contained in order to keep it duly updated.
The establishment of links to any section of this web page is authorized as long as the real address that is accessed is visible in the address bar of the browser. The link may be made using the address, company name and/or other keywords.